
Friday, February 18, 2011

Games for children

Children love to run and play. And when the weather is nice they love to play outside. These are the games we sometimes play with children at Cambridge daycare. You have to remember that before you go outside and play, you need to check out these safety factors. Grassy area is the best place to play. If you use a parking lot, check the traffic or block off the drive way. Avoid walking traffic. You want to enjoy these daycare games, but you want to be safe first.

Wild Horse Round Up
Divide the children into two groups. One group is wild horses and the other group is the cowboys. The cowboys stay behind the coral (line). The horses go out and run in the play area. When you yell "Wild Horse Round Up", the cowboys run and catch the horses and bring them into the coral. Once, all the horses are caught, switch groups. Make sure the horses know their limitations on where they can go.

Mr. Fox, What time is it?
You need two lines, one at each end of the play area. In this game, one person is the fox. Everyone lines up in front of Mr Fox. Mr. Fox is at one end of the playing area. The children slowly walk up and say, "Mr. Fox what time is it?" Mr. Fox says," two o'clock, five o'clock, seven o'clock or etc." Each time the children get a little closer on their approach to Mr. Fox. However, they always stop and ask "What time is it?" When Mr. Fox yells, "Midnight", he tries to catch as many as he can as they turn and run back to the safe line. The children that he catches, then help him catch others, as the game continues. The game is played until all children are caught.

Big Bear Mountain
The playing area is a large area with trees and bushes. On child is a bear and he hides. Once he is hidden, the other children go on a bear hunt on Big Bear Mountain. Big Bear jumps out and growls. He chases them back to the safe area. Everyone that he catches, also become bears. They hide as well. The game continues until all are caught or you run out of hiding places. note; Only the original bear can make the decision when to chase the children.

Chinese Freeze Tag
The play area has no bases or safe area. One person is designated as "it". On go, it tags individuals. Those that get tagged, spread their feet apart and freeze on the spot. They can be set free if one of the other children crawl through their legs and set them free. If you have a large number of children, you can add another "it" to help out.

These are four really good Cambridge daycare games we play that involves a lot of running. As a leader of the group, make sure that you maintain control and assert your voice when you have to. Keep in mind, that a lot of times children get so wrapped up in the game, that they don't hear you. Have fun, but stay safe. These daycare outdoor games are a great way to pass time.

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